A close partnership with Scottish Opera


Évasion, Émotion, Enchantement.

Made-to-measure productions

From the outset Alex Reedijk, General Director of Scottish Opera, was enthusiastic about involving Scottish Opera, suggesting they could design and build a production specifically for the mountaintop opera concept.


scottish opera

August 2025

The supernatural in the forests of Les Pleaides

Witches and advancing forests! The choice of Verdi’s Macbeth for Opera Pleiades’ first season was virtually self-evident, given the Scottish troupe and the forests encircling the mountaintop.

Macbeth marks a turning point in Verdi’s output. From the colour of the orchestration in the production of atmospherics, to the rapid, seamless transition of one scene to the next, Macbeth is a visionary work. A relentlessly intense drama about ambition and power that unfolds swiftly to its powerful climax.

Creating opera’s future public

Opera Pleiades puts the younger generations at the heart of its adventure, by involving them in the production of spectacles and offering them uniquely privileged access to performances.

