A magical journey

closer to the stars

Évasion, Émotion, Enchantement.


The public will begin to arrive from the middle of the afternoon onwards. The “Opera Train” departs from Vevey, by the lakeside, for a journey to another world.

As the train climbs higher and higher, views open up over the entire length of Lake Geneva.

At 1361m, the plateau of Les Pléiades is entirely free of the buildings and infrastructure associated with a ski resort.
The temporary theatre is located on this plateau, overlooking the eastern extremity of Lake Geneva, with “les Dents du Midi” in the background.
A magical, natural setting.


After a walk around the plateau to discover the views, several options will be on offer for friends to share a meal, including an opera picnic “à l’anglaise”.


Seated in a semicircular arrangement hugging the stage, the spectators will be metaphorically drawn into the drama. Since every audience is unique, so too is each performance!


Dusk falling over Lake Geneva provides the backdrop to the entr’acte.


After the performance, discover the Milky Way from the mountaintop.

As the “OPERA TRAIN” winds its way back down the mountain, the twinkling lights along the shoreline of Lake Geneva bring this magical journey to a close!

